After three days of workshop in Jakarta, the new members of SAFENET from 11 cities in Indonesia are agree to protect the freedom of expression in Southeast Asia countries.
Ambon: Habib Almascaty
Bandung: Dadang Setiawan
Bali: Ni Wayan Widayanti Arioka, Anton Muhajir
Bogor: Eddy Prayitno, Indrayanto Banyumurti, Unggul Sagena
Depok: Mokh. Sobirin, Ellen S. Kusuma
Jakarta: Bimo Aria, Damar Juniarto, Donny BU, Shita Laksmi, Margiyono, Heru Tjatur
Lombok: Furqan Ermansyah
Makassar: Nenden Sekar Arum, Mansyur, Syaifullah
Palembang: Nike Andaru
Samarinda: Ade Fadli
Yogyakarta: Denden Sofiudin
\”Empowering Freedom of Expression Defenders 2016\” workshop consist of agenda from discussion on the second day human rights regulation on internet freedom, the women rights, privacy and online violence, ITE laws, and principle to conduct investigation over Freedom of Expression violation cases.
On the third day, the members of SAFENET involve in Theory of Change workshop to settle agenda for the next 5 years, including the need to prioritize data collection on violation against Freedom of Expression in Southeast Asia, the advocacy to help freedom of expression victims, and also broadening the network to reach more partners in Southeast Asia countries.
\”By adding more members, I hope SAFENET can help a lot of netizens across Southeast Asia to express their opinions freely and to ensure there will be reduction on freedom of expression violations cases on the region,\” says Regional Coordinator SAFENET Damar Juniarto.